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Showing posts from March, 2015

Back Exercises for Golf

Here are some of the best back exercise for golf, they will keep your back subtle and reduce the back pain. These are just some of the more gentle back exercises for golfers that can easily be done at home without any equipment required, these back exercises will keep your back more flexible and subtle which will put less strain on your back when playing golf. Butterfly Stretches The Butterfly stretch is an easy way to give your back some immediate back pain relief. To do the butterfly stretch all that you need is a little bit of room to stand up and stretch.  First place your hands, palms down, on your shoulders. Keep your hands in place, without moving, as you bring your elbows together in front of you. The closer your elbows come to each other the tighter your back will feel. Once you feel a strong stretch you should hold it for at least five seconds.   Repeat this move 9 or 10 times for maximum back pain therapy. Bridge Pose Lie on your ba