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Showing posts from February, 2015

Wrist Exercises for Golfers

Wrist Exercises for Golfers Here are some basic wrist exercises for golfers to help strengthen your grip, as grip strength is very important for all golfers of any age. It is important to strengthen muscles in your wrists to help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain injury or any other wrist problems that are caused by overuse and weakened muscles Some of the basic exercises to make your wrists stronger are wrist extensions, wrist curls and stress ball squeezes. Please send me the Best Stretching Exercises for Golfers CLICK HERE WRIST EXTENSIONS Stretch your wrists upward : Hold your right arm in front of you with your palm facing down. Keeping your elbow straight, gently pull your wrist up by grabbing the top of your fingers. Repeat the stretch on the opposite side. Just as important is to stretch your wrists downwards. Stretch your wrists downward : Hold your right arm in front of you with your palm fac

Core Exercises for Golfers

CORE EXERCISES FOR GOLFERS Core exercises for golf are extremely important as you need strong muscles in your stomach and hips, lower back at butt to make your golf swing as strong as it possibly can.  The golfing season is just around the corner for many of us and here are a few core exercises specifically for golfers that you can do in the comfort of own home to get you ready for the upcoming season. Stretch your core muscles:  Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and fold your arms across your chest (image 1). Bend your knees and lean forward slightly (image 2). Rotate your trunk in your back-swing motion (image 3). Continue from the top of your back swing position to your follow-through (image 4). At home, you may want to try this stretch in front of a mirror to check the different positions of your swing  Take another step in the right direction by adding Fitbit to your fitness routine. STABILITY BALL  I m