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Wrist Exercises for Golfers

Wrist Exercises for Golfers

Here are some basic wrist exercises for golfers to help strengthen your grip, as grip strength is very important for all golfers of any age. It is important to strengthen muscles in your wrists to help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain injury or any other wrist problems that are caused by overuse and weakened muscles

Some of the basic exercises to make your wrists stronger are wrist extensions, wrist curls and stress ball squeezes.


Stretch your wrists upward:
  • Hold your right arm in front of you with your palm facing down.
  • Keeping your elbow straight, gently pull your wrist up by grabbing the top of your fingers.
  • Repeat the stretch on the opposite side.
Just as important is to stretch your wrists downwards.

Stretch your wrists downward:
  • Hold your right arm in front of you with your palm facing down.
  • Keeping your elbow straight, gently pull your wrist down. You'll feel the stretch in your right forearm and wrist.
  • Repeat the stretch on the opposite side.


Wrist curls will help strengthen your lower forearms, you can use any type of free weight from a can of soup to bottle of soda, but if you have some dumbbells that is the best piece of equipment to use.
Make sure that your palms are facing towards you pull the weight up as a bicep curl.


This is a very simple but very effective wrist exercise for golfers and you can do this while watching TV.
The stress ball is a small foam filled ball that provides pressure and resistance to the hand and wrist that can strengthen muscles in the wrist.

Wrist Strength

Squeeze the ball for a count of three, and then relax your grip. Repeat up to twenty times to a point of fatigue. This increases grip strength through the wrist and releases tension. Complete 3 sets of 20 reps.

Palm Massage

Roll the ball against a table. Repeat the back and forth motion up to twenty times with each hand. This action engages muscles up the entire arm while providing light massage to the fingers, palm and wrist.

Pull and Twist

Holding the ball with both hands, twist each hand in opposite directions, as if trying to untwist it. Repeat up to 20 times, and then reverse the direction of the twist. This engages the whole hand as well as the wrist, once again strengthening while relieving stress.

These are just a few wrist exercises for golfers that help strengthen you wrists.


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